Maternity & paternity pay for the self-employed toolkit


Introducing the Maternity, paternity, shared parental & adoption leave toolkit for the self-employed!

This toolkit is designed to help entrepreneurs and business owners take control of their family planning decisions. Led by Rachel Harris this kit will offer valuable insights, practical strategies, a checklist for planning maternity and paternity leave for you as a business owner.

This toolkit includes an hour long, on demand session with Rachel Harris which is a self-employed deep dive into Maternity & Paternity for the Self-Employed, designed to provide valuable insights and guidance for individuals working for themselves or as freelancers.

Whether you're an expecting mother, a self-employed father, or a partner, understanding your employment status, rights during pregnancy, maternity pay, and available benefits is crucial.

We explore topics such as maternity allowance, shared parental leave, and various benefits for families. This toolkit aims to empower self-employed individuals with the knowledge they need to navigate the intricacies of maternity and paternity leave, ensuring a smooth transition into parenthood while managing their work commitments.

The toolkit covers the following key areas:

  • Employment status

  • Rights during pregnancy

  • Maternity Pay

  • Maternity Allowance

  • Rights for self-employed fathers and partners

  • Shared parental leave and pay

  • Benefits for families

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