Board meetings for small business owners toolkit


Unlock the secrets to sustainable growth and strategic success for your small business with our Small Business Board Meeting Toolkit, featuring an exclusive 60-minute workshop led by renowned business strategist, Rachel Harris.

Are you a small business owner seeking to elevate your company to the next level? Do you want to make informed decisions, foster innovation, and ensure your business remains future-proof? Look no further – our comprehensive toolkit is designed to empower you with the knowledge and tools needed to conduct effective board meetings that add value, foster scalability, and keep long-term strategies at the forefront of your operations.

What's Included:

  1. 60-Minute Workshop with Rachel Harris: Dive deep into the world of strategic board meetings with Rachel Harris, an industry expert with years of experience helping businesses thrive. Rachel will share her insights, tips, and practical strategies for conducting successful board meetings that drive growth, align your team, and ensure your business remains agile and adaptable.

  2. Fireside chat with Rachel & her board member, Phil

  3. 20 minute Q&A session

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